About Movie |
Dr. Kumar
Dr. Kumar is a 1944 Bollywood drama film directed by Kishore Sharma and produced by Minerva Movietone. The film features an ensemble cast including Paresh Banerjee, Balwant Singh, Khursheed Jr., Najma, Sanktha Prasad, and more. Fans of classic Bollywood mp3 songs can find Dr. Kumar and other old Hindi mp3 songs on visongs.com. There are total 3 mp3 songs in Dr. Kumar full album. |
Starcast(s) |
, Paresh Banerjee, Balwant Singh, Khursheed Jr., Najma, Sanktha Prasad, Latika, Meera, Rajkumari Shukla, Ghulam Husain, Zillu, Abu Bakar, Naresh Kumar, Chhota Shankar, Jamal Amrohi